
My homage to the peace sign in Tienamen Square

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bo'ao...Saved the Best for Last!

So, on our list of vacation accomplishments, we have officially checked off the following: Tiananmen Square, Great Wall, cheap hostel with crappy bed, expensive hotel complete with 2 days of pool side lounging, and skin-hungry fish. What’s next on the list? A 5 day stay at a quaint little town called Bo’ao, so named for a creature named Ao, who allegedly possess the head of a dragon, body of a turtle, and tail of a lion. All I can say is ouch on behalf of his mother. A few years back this town had yet to make it on a map, let alone a tourist guidebook, but that was before it had hosted the Asian Forum for something something. My attention to details is impressive, I know. Since then, people have been flocking to this humble and charming fishing village, eager for some peace, quiet, and authenticity. I read about Bo’ao in Lonely Planet, and I am easily influenced, so I booked it immediately.

Compromising between a cheap hostel and an expensive touristy hotel, Barrett and I opt to stay at a Bed and Breakfast run by an American woman and her Chinese husband. The B &B is fantastic. The breakfasts superb. The owners are lovely. (Although, is it normal to feed your pet bird chewed up food from your own mouth?) No other foreigners, no photo ops, no giant tourist traps, and we are just minutes from the beach. But this beach, unlike the ones in Sanya, is dotted with ancient temples, wild goats, and families’ dogs, rather than women trying to sell knock-off pearls. Holy hell, this is the vacation spot I’ve been looking for: a real blend of culture, relaxation, and Western breakfasts. God Bless Bo’ao.

I know I’m gushing, but I have fallen in love with this town. How could life get any better? Waking up to a hot, fresh meal, walking along the isolated beach, talking to locals, hiking through minority villages, lounging around reading a book, eating cheap barbecued seafood, chewing on sugar cane… this is the life. Oh, and get this! Bo’ao is home to a beautiful Buddhist temple that is currently off limits to tourists. Turns out, the owner of the B & B has the hook up and is in tight with one of the monks. We end up having a private tea ceremony with the monk and then have a private viewing of the temple while the monks are busy praying and chanting in the background. And this is after a private boat ride up and down the river and visiting a local village only accessible by water. I’m telling you, this place is amazing!

So I realize that there are no humorous or stupid incidents to report, and the sole purpose of this blog is purely to prattle on and on about my new favorite place in China. I can’t help it! This is by far my favorite few days of the trip and I need to brag about it! I assure you that inevitably I will do something ridiculous or embarrassing and will fill you in on all the humiliating/entertaining details, but for now, my infatuation will have to suffice.

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