
My homage to the peace sign in Tienamen Square

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Miss List

This blog is purely for my own whining, self pity, and nostalgia. I have hit the 6 month mark- officially over half way through my maiden voyage. As the finish line is still looming off in the distance, I am rapidly consumed with thoughts of what I am missing most in the good old US of A. I don’t miss all of these things all the time, but since I’m being truly self indulgent here, I’m putting it all out there. Hardly newsworthy I know, but here, in no particular order, is my “miss list” from home.

1. Family & friends
2. Barrett
3. Soft mattresses
4. Butterfingers
5. Children in diapers
6. Shower curtains
7. Soy chai lattes
8. Unrestricted internet access
9. Mexican food
10. Privacy
11. Bed Bath and Beyond (I don’t know why)
12. The English alphabet
13. Hot chocolate
14. Magazines (that I can read)
15. Fresh air
16. Anonymity
17. Driving
18. A kitchen sink
19. Movie theaters
20. Dairy
21. Nature
22. Bubble Baths
23. Powell’s Bookstore
24. Ovens
25. Traffic laws
26. Properly formed lines
27. Toilet paper in public restrooms
28. Consistency – well that’s not a guarantee at home, either
29. Holidays
30. My dog

1 comment:

  1. Hey Em...even from Australia I'm missing a few of those numbers 22, 17, 13, 9 and 7 (well not soy chai lattes but i would love to order an iced coffee when it's 89 degrees outside that didnt have icecream in it and the most horrible espresso I've ever tasted!) ON that note, i miss plain drip coffee. I have to say that this side of the pacific from China down is quite the change of pace...I really want mexican food now! Blasted list. ;) hehe. Love you and miss you. thanks for the updates, babe!
